ApiExceptionClass in namespace Ally\PetStore

ApiException Class Doc Comment

PetApi::addPet() — Method in class PetApi

Operation addPet

PetApi::addPetWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation addPetWithHttpInfo

PetApi::addPetAsync() — Method in class PetApi

Operation addPetAsync

PetApi::addPetAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation addPetAsyncWithHttpInfo

PetApi::addPetRequest() — Method in class PetApi

Create request for operation 'addPet'

$ Configuration#apiKeysProperty in class Configuration

Associate array to store API key(s)

$ Configuration#apiKeyPrefixesProperty in class Configuration

Associate array to store API prefix (e.g. Bearer)

$ Configuration#accessTokenProperty in class Configuration

Access token for OAuth/Bearer authentication

ApiResponseClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Schema

ApiResponse Class Doc Comment

$ ApiResponse#attributeMapProperty in class ApiResponse

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

ApiResponse::attributeMap() — Method in class ApiResponse

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

$ Category#attributeMapProperty in class Category

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

Category::attributeMap() — Method in class Category

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

ModelInterface::attributeMap() — Method in class ModelInterface

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

$ Order#attributeMapProperty in class Order

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

Order::attributeMap() — Method in class Order

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

$ Pet#attributeMapProperty in class Pet

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

Pet::attributeMap() — Method in class Pet

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

$ Tag#attributeMapProperty in class Tag

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

Tag::attributeMap() — Method in class Tag

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

$ User#attributeMapProperty in class User

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

User::attributeMap() — Method in class User

Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name


$ Configuration#booleanFormatForQueryStringProperty in class Configuration

Boolean format for query string

ObjectSerializer::buildQuery() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Native http_build_query wrapper.


$ PetApi#clientProperty in class PetApi
$ PetApi#configProperty in class PetApi
PetApi::createHttpClientOption() — Method in class PetApi

Create http client option

$ StoreApi#clientProperty in class StoreApi
$ StoreApi#configProperty in class StoreApi
StoreApi::createHttpClientOption() — Method in class StoreApi

Create http client option

$ UserApi#clientProperty in class UserApi
$ UserApi#configProperty in class UserApi
UserApi::createUser() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUser

UserApi::createUserWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUserWithHttpInfo

UserApi::createUserAsync() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUserAsync

UserApi::createUserAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUserAsyncWithHttpInfo

UserApi::createUserRequest() — Method in class UserApi

Create request for operation 'createUser'

UserApi::createUsersWithArrayInput() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUsersWithArrayInput

UserApi::createUsersWithArrayInputWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUsersWithArrayInputWithHttpInfo

UserApi::createUsersWithArrayInputAsync() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUsersWithArrayInputAsync

UserApi::createUsersWithArrayInputAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUsersWithArrayInputAsyncWithHttpInfo

UserApi::createUsersWithArrayInputRequest() — Method in class UserApi

Create request for operation 'createUsersWithArrayInput'

UserApi::createUsersWithListInput() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUsersWithListInput

UserApi::createUsersWithListInputWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUsersWithListInputWithHttpInfo

UserApi::createUsersWithListInputAsync() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUsersWithListInputAsync

UserApi::createUsersWithListInputAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation createUsersWithListInputAsyncWithHttpInfo

UserApi::createUsersWithListInputRequest() — Method in class UserApi

Create request for operation 'createUsersWithListInput'

UserApi::createHttpClientOption() — Method in class UserApi

Create http client option

ConfigurationClass in namespace Ally\PetStore

Configuration Class Doc Comment PHP version 7.4

ObjectSerializer::convertBoolToQueryStringFormat() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Convert boolean value to format for query string.

$ ApiResponse#containerProperty in class ApiResponse

Associative array for storing property values

CategoryClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Schema

Category Class Doc Comment

$ Category#containerProperty in class Category

Associative array for storing property values

$ Order#containerProperty in class Order

Associative array for storing property values

$ Pet#containerProperty in class Pet

Associative array for storing property values

$ Tag#containerProperty in class Tag

Associative array for storing property values

$ User#containerProperty in class User

Associative array for storing property values


PetApi::deletePet() — Method in class PetApi

Operation deletePet

PetApi::deletePetWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation deletePetWithHttpInfo

PetApi::deletePetAsync() — Method in class PetApi

Operation deletePetAsync

PetApi::deletePetAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation deletePetAsyncWithHttpInfo

PetApi::deletePetRequest() — Method in class PetApi

Create request for operation 'deletePet'

StoreApi::deleteOrder() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation deleteOrder

StoreApi::deleteOrderWithHttpInfo() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation deleteOrderWithHttpInfo

StoreApi::deleteOrderAsync() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation deleteOrderAsync

StoreApi::deleteOrderAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation deleteOrderAsyncWithHttpInfo

StoreApi::deleteOrderRequest() — Method in class StoreApi

Create request for operation 'deleteOrder'

UserApi::deleteUser() — Method in class UserApi

Operation deleteUser

UserApi::deleteUserWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation deleteUserWithHttpInfo

UserApi::deleteUserAsync() — Method in class UserApi

Operation deleteUserAsync

UserApi::deleteUserAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation deleteUserAsyncWithHttpInfo

UserApi::deleteUserRequest() — Method in class UserApi

Create request for operation 'deleteUser'

$ Configuration#debugProperty in class Configuration

Debug switch (default set to false)

$ Configuration#debugFileProperty in class Configuration

Debug file location (log to STDOUT by default)

ObjectSerializer::deserialize() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Deserialize a JSON string into an object


PetApi::findPetsByStatus() — Method in class PetApi

Operation findPetsByStatus

PetApi::findPetsByStatusWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation findPetsByStatusWithHttpInfo

PetApi::findPetsByStatusAsync() — Method in class PetApi

Operation findPetsByStatusAsync

PetApi::findPetsByStatusAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation findPetsByStatusAsyncWithHttpInfo

PetApi::findPetsByStatusRequest() — Method in class PetApi

Create request for operation 'findPetsByStatus'

PetApi::findPetsByTags() — Method in class PetApi

Operation findPetsByTags

PetApi::findPetsByTagsWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation findPetsByTagsWithHttpInfo

PetApi::findPetsByTagsAsync() — Method in class PetApi

Operation findPetsByTagsAsync

PetApi::findPetsByTagsAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation findPetsByTagsAsyncWithHttpInfo

PetApi::findPetsByTagsRequest() — Method in class PetApi

Create request for operation 'findPetsByTags'


ApiException::getResponseHeaders() — Method in class ApiException

Gets the HTTP response header

ApiException::getResponseBody() — Method in class ApiException

Gets the HTTP body of the server response either as Json or string

ApiException::getResponseObject() — Method in class ApiException

Gets the deserialized response object (during deserialization)

PetApi::getHostIndex() — Method in class PetApi

Get the host index

PetApi::getConfig() — Method in class PetApi
PetApi::getPetById() — Method in class PetApi

Operation getPetById

PetApi::getPetByIdWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation getPetByIdWithHttpInfo

PetApi::getPetByIdAsync() — Method in class PetApi

Operation getPetByIdAsync

PetApi::getPetByIdAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation getPetByIdAsyncWithHttpInfo

PetApi::getPetByIdRequest() — Method in class PetApi

Create request for operation 'getPetById'

StoreApi::getHostIndex() — Method in class StoreApi

Get the host index

StoreApi::getConfig() — Method in class StoreApi
StoreApi::getInventory() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation getInventory

StoreApi::getInventoryWithHttpInfo() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation getInventoryWithHttpInfo

StoreApi::getInventoryAsync() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation getInventoryAsync

StoreApi::getInventoryAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation getInventoryAsyncWithHttpInfo

StoreApi::getInventoryRequest() — Method in class StoreApi

Create request for operation 'getInventory'

StoreApi::getOrderById() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation getOrderById

StoreApi::getOrderByIdWithHttpInfo() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation getOrderByIdWithHttpInfo

StoreApi::getOrderByIdAsync() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation getOrderByIdAsync

StoreApi::getOrderByIdAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation getOrderByIdAsyncWithHttpInfo

StoreApi::getOrderByIdRequest() — Method in class StoreApi

Create request for operation 'getOrderById'

UserApi::getHostIndex() — Method in class UserApi

Get the host index

UserApi::getConfig() — Method in class UserApi
UserApi::getUserByName() — Method in class UserApi

Operation getUserByName

UserApi::getUserByNameWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation getUserByNameWithHttpInfo

UserApi::getUserByNameAsync() — Method in class UserApi

Operation getUserByNameAsync

UserApi::getUserByNameAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation getUserByNameAsyncWithHttpInfo

UserApi::getUserByNameRequest() — Method in class UserApi

Create request for operation 'getUserByName'

Configuration::getApiKey() — Method in class Configuration

Gets API key

Configuration::getApiKeyPrefix() — Method in class Configuration

Gets API key prefix

Configuration::getAccessToken() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the access token for OAuth

Configuration::getBooleanFormatForQueryString() — Method in class Configuration

Gets boolean format for query string.

Configuration::getUsername() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the username for HTTP basic authentication

Configuration::getPassword() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the password for HTTP basic authentication

Configuration::getHost() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the host

Configuration::getUserAgent() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the user agent of the api client

Configuration::getDebug() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the debug flag

Configuration::getDebugFile() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the debug file

Configuration::getTempFolderPath() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the temp folder path

Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the default configuration instance

Configuration::getApiKeyWithPrefix() — Method in class Configuration

Get API key (with prefix if set)

Configuration::getHostSettings() — Method in class Configuration

Returns an array of host settings

Configuration::getHostString() — Method in class Configuration

Returns URL based on host settings, index and variables

Configuration::getHostFromSettings() — Method in class Configuration

Returns URL based on the index and variables

$ ApiResponse#gettersProperty in class ApiResponse

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

ApiResponse::getters() — Method in class ApiResponse

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

ApiResponse::getModelName() — Method in class ApiResponse

The original name of the model.

ApiResponse::getCode() — Method in class ApiResponse

Gets code

ApiResponse::getType() — Method in class ApiResponse

Gets type

ApiResponse::getMessage() — Method in class ApiResponse

Gets message

$ Category#gettersProperty in class Category

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

Category::getters() — Method in class Category

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

Category::getModelName() — Method in class Category

The original name of the model.

Category::getId() — Method in class Category

Gets id

Category::getName() — Method in class Category

Gets name

ModelInterface::getModelName() — Method in class ModelInterface

The original name of the model.

ModelInterface::getters() — Method in class ModelInterface

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

$ Order#gettersProperty in class Order

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

Order::getters() — Method in class Order

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

Order::getModelName() — Method in class Order

The original name of the model.

Order::getStatusAllowableValues() — Method in class Order

Gets allowable values of the enum

Order::getId() — Method in class Order

Gets id

Order::getPetId() — Method in class Order

Gets pet_id

Order::getQuantity() — Method in class Order

Gets quantity

Order::getShipDate() — Method in class Order

Gets ship_date

Order::getStatus() — Method in class Order

Gets status

Order::getComplete() — Method in class Order

Gets complete

$ Pet#gettersProperty in class Pet

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

Pet::getters() — Method in class Pet

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

Pet::getModelName() — Method in class Pet

The original name of the model.

Pet::getStatusAllowableValues() — Method in class Pet

Gets allowable values of the enum

Pet::getId() — Method in class Pet

Gets id

Pet::getCategory() — Method in class Pet

Gets category

Pet::getName() — Method in class Pet

Gets name

Pet::getPhotoUrls() — Method in class Pet

Gets photo_urls

Pet::getTags() — Method in class Pet

Gets tags

Pet::getStatus() — Method in class Pet

Gets status

$ Tag#gettersProperty in class Tag

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

Tag::getters() — Method in class Tag

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

Tag::getModelName() — Method in class Tag

The original name of the model.

Tag::getId() — Method in class Tag

Gets id

Tag::getName() — Method in class Tag

Gets name

$ User#gettersProperty in class User

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

User::getters() — Method in class User

Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

User::getModelName() — Method in class User

The original name of the model.

User::getId() — Method in class User

Gets id

User::getUsername() — Method in class User

Gets username

User::getFirstName() — Method in class User

Gets first_name

User::getLastName() — Method in class User

Gets last_name

User::getEmail() — Method in class User

Gets email

User::getPassword() — Method in class User

Gets password

User::getPhone() — Method in class User

Gets phone

User::getUserStatus() — Method in class User

Gets user_status


$ PetApi#headerSelectorProperty in class PetApi
$ PetApi#hostIndexProperty in class PetApi
$ StoreApi#headerSelectorProperty in class StoreApi
$ StoreApi#hostIndexProperty in class StoreApi
$ UserApi#headerSelectorProperty in class UserApi
$ UserApi#hostIndexProperty in class UserApi
$ Configuration#hostProperty in class Configuration

The host

HeaderSelectorClass in namespace Ally\PetStore

ApiException Class Doc Comment


ApiResponse::isNullable() — Method in class ApiResponse

Checks if a property is nullable

ApiResponse::isNullableSetToNull() — Method in class ApiResponse

Checks if a nullable property is set to null.

Category::isNullable() — Method in class Category

Checks if a property is nullable

Category::isNullableSetToNull() — Method in class Category

Checks if a nullable property is set to null.

ModelInterface::isNullable() — Method in class ModelInterface

Checks if a property is nullable

ModelInterface::isNullableSetToNull() — Method in class ModelInterface

Checks if a nullable property is set to null.

Order::isNullable() — Method in class Order

Checks if a property is nullable

Order::isNullableSetToNull() — Method in class Order

Checks if a nullable property is set to null.

Pet::isNullable() — Method in class Pet

Checks if a property is nullable

Pet::isNullableSetToNull() — Method in class Pet

Checks if a nullable property is set to null.

Tag::isNullable() — Method in class Tag

Checks if a property is nullable

Tag::isNullableSetToNull() — Method in class Tag

Checks if a nullable property is set to null.

User::isNullable() — Method in class User

Checks if a property is nullable

User::isNullableSetToNull() — Method in class User

Checks if a nullable property is set to null.


ApiResponse::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ApiResponse

Serializes the object to a value that can be serialized natively by json_encode().

Category::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Category

Serializes the object to a value that can be serialized natively by json_encode().

Order::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Order

Serializes the object to a value that can be serialized natively by json_encode().

Pet::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Pet

Serializes the object to a value that can be serialized natively by json_encode().

Tag::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Tag

Serializes the object to a value that can be serialized natively by json_encode().

User::jsonSerialize() — Method in class User

Serializes the object to a value that can be serialized natively by json_encode().


UserApi::loginUser() — Method in class UserApi

Operation loginUser

UserApi::loginUserWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation loginUserWithHttpInfo

UserApi::loginUserAsync() — Method in class UserApi

Operation loginUserAsync

UserApi::loginUserAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation loginUserAsyncWithHttpInfo

UserApi::loginUserRequest() — Method in class UserApi

Create request for operation 'loginUser'

UserApi::logoutUser() — Method in class UserApi

Operation logoutUser

UserApi::logoutUserWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation logoutUserWithHttpInfo

UserApi::logoutUserAsync() — Method in class UserApi

Operation logoutUserAsync

UserApi::logoutUserAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation logoutUserAsyncWithHttpInfo

UserApi::logoutUserRequest() — Method in class UserApi

Create request for operation 'logoutUser'

ApiResponse::listInvalidProperties() — Method in class ApiResponse

Show all the invalid properties with reasons.

Category::listInvalidProperties() — Method in class Category

Show all the invalid properties with reasons.

ModelInterface::listInvalidProperties() — Method in class ModelInterface

Show all the invalid properties with reasons.

Order::listInvalidProperties() — Method in class Order

Show all the invalid properties with reasons.

Pet::listInvalidProperties() — Method in class Pet

Show all the invalid properties with reasons.

Tag::listInvalidProperties() — Method in class Tag

Show all the invalid properties with reasons.

User::listInvalidProperties() — Method in class User

Show all the invalid properties with reasons.


ModelInterfaceClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Schema

Interface abstracting model access.


ObjectSerializerClass in namespace Ally\PetStore

ObjectSerializer Class Doc Comment

$ ApiResponse#openAPIModelNameProperty in class ApiResponse

The original name of the model.

$ ApiResponse#openAPITypesProperty in class ApiResponse

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ ApiResponse#openAPIFormatsProperty in class ApiResponse

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ ApiResponse#openAPINullablesProperty in class ApiResponse

Array of nullable properties. Used for (de)serialization

$ ApiResponse#openAPINullablesSetToNullProperty in class ApiResponse

If a nullable field gets set to null, insert it here

ApiResponse::openAPITypes() — Method in class ApiResponse

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

ApiResponse::openAPIFormats() — Method in class ApiResponse

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

ApiResponse::openAPINullables() — Method in class ApiResponse

Array of nullable properties

ApiResponse::offsetExists() — Method in class ApiResponse

Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise.

ApiResponse::offsetGet() — Method in class ApiResponse

Gets offset.

ApiResponse::offsetSet() — Method in class ApiResponse

Sets value based on offset.

ApiResponse::offsetUnset() — Method in class ApiResponse

Unsets offset.

$ Category#openAPIModelNameProperty in class Category

The original name of the model.

$ Category#openAPITypesProperty in class Category

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ Category#openAPIFormatsProperty in class Category

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ Category#openAPINullablesProperty in class Category

Array of nullable properties. Used for (de)serialization

$ Category#openAPINullablesSetToNullProperty in class Category

If a nullable field gets set to null, insert it here

Category::openAPITypes() — Method in class Category

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

Category::openAPIFormats() — Method in class Category

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

Category::openAPINullables() — Method in class Category

Array of nullable properties

Category::offsetExists() — Method in class Category

Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise.

Category::offsetGet() — Method in class Category

Gets offset.

Category::offsetSet() — Method in class Category

Sets value based on offset.

Category::offsetUnset() — Method in class Category

Unsets offset.

ModelInterface::openAPITypes() — Method in class ModelInterface

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

ModelInterface::openAPIFormats() — Method in class ModelInterface

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

OrderClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Schema

Order Class Doc Comment

$ Order#openAPIModelNameProperty in class Order

The original name of the model.

$ Order#openAPITypesProperty in class Order

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ Order#openAPIFormatsProperty in class Order

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ Order#openAPINullablesProperty in class Order

Array of nullable properties. Used for (de)serialization

$ Order#openAPINullablesSetToNullProperty in class Order

If a nullable field gets set to null, insert it here

Order::openAPITypes() — Method in class Order

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

Order::openAPIFormats() — Method in class Order

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

Order::openAPINullables() — Method in class Order

Array of nullable properties

Order::offsetExists() — Method in class Order

Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise.

Order::offsetGet() — Method in class Order

Gets offset.

Order::offsetSet() — Method in class Order

Sets value based on offset.

Order::offsetUnset() — Method in class Order

Unsets offset.

$ Pet#openAPIModelNameProperty in class Pet

The original name of the model.

$ Pet#openAPITypesProperty in class Pet

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ Pet#openAPIFormatsProperty in class Pet

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ Pet#openAPINullablesProperty in class Pet

Array of nullable properties. Used for (de)serialization

$ Pet#openAPINullablesSetToNullProperty in class Pet

If a nullable field gets set to null, insert it here

Pet::openAPITypes() — Method in class Pet

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

Pet::openAPIFormats() — Method in class Pet

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

Pet::openAPINullables() — Method in class Pet

Array of nullable properties

Pet::offsetExists() — Method in class Pet

Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise.

Pet::offsetGet() — Method in class Pet

Gets offset.

Pet::offsetSet() — Method in class Pet

Sets value based on offset.

Pet::offsetUnset() — Method in class Pet

Unsets offset.

$ Tag#openAPIModelNameProperty in class Tag

The original name of the model.

$ Tag#openAPITypesProperty in class Tag

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ Tag#openAPIFormatsProperty in class Tag

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ Tag#openAPINullablesProperty in class Tag

Array of nullable properties. Used for (de)serialization

$ Tag#openAPINullablesSetToNullProperty in class Tag

If a nullable field gets set to null, insert it here

Tag::openAPITypes() — Method in class Tag

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

Tag::openAPIFormats() — Method in class Tag

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

Tag::openAPINullables() — Method in class Tag

Array of nullable properties

Tag::offsetExists() — Method in class Tag

Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise.

Tag::offsetGet() — Method in class Tag

Gets offset.

Tag::offsetSet() — Method in class Tag

Sets value based on offset.

Tag::offsetUnset() — Method in class Tag

Unsets offset.

$ User#openAPIModelNameProperty in class User

The original name of the model.

$ User#openAPITypesProperty in class User

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ User#openAPIFormatsProperty in class User

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

$ User#openAPINullablesProperty in class User

Array of nullable properties. Used for (de)serialization

$ User#openAPINullablesSetToNullProperty in class User

If a nullable field gets set to null, insert it here

User::openAPITypes() — Method in class User

Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

User::openAPIFormats() — Method in class User

Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

User::openAPINullables() — Method in class User

Array of nullable properties

User::offsetExists() — Method in class User

Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise.

User::offsetGet() — Method in class User

Gets offset.

User::offsetSet() — Method in class User

Sets value based on offset.

User::offsetUnset() — Method in class User

Unsets offset.


PetApiClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Api

PetApi Class Doc Comment

StoreApi::placeOrder() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation placeOrder

StoreApi::placeOrderWithHttpInfo() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation placeOrderWithHttpInfo

StoreApi::placeOrderAsync() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation placeOrderAsync

StoreApi::placeOrderAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class StoreApi

Operation placeOrderAsyncWithHttpInfo

StoreApi::placeOrderRequest() — Method in class StoreApi

Create request for operation 'placeOrder'

$ Configuration#passwordProperty in class Configuration

Password for HTTP basic authentication

PetClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Schema

Pet Class Doc Comment


$ ApiException#responseBodyProperty in class ApiException

The HTTP body of the server response either as Json or string.

$ ApiException#responseHeadersProperty in class ApiException

The HTTP header of the server response.

$ ApiException#responseObjectProperty in class ApiException

The deserialized response object


ApiException::setResponseObject() — Method in class ApiException

Sets the deserialized response object (during deserialization)

PetApi::setHostIndex() — Method in class PetApi

Set the host index

StoreApiClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Api

StoreApi Class Doc Comment

StoreApi::setHostIndex() — Method in class StoreApi

Set the host index

UserApi::setHostIndex() — Method in class UserApi

Set the host index

Configuration::setApiKey() — Method in class Configuration

Sets API key

Configuration::setApiKeyPrefix() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the prefix for API key (e.g. Bearer)

Configuration::setAccessToken() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the access token for OAuth

Configuration::setBooleanFormatForQueryString() — Method in class Configuration

Sets boolean format for query string.

Configuration::setUsername() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the username for HTTP basic authentication

Configuration::setPassword() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the password for HTTP basic authentication

Configuration::setHost() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the host

Configuration::setUserAgent() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the user agent of the api client

Configuration::setDebug() — Method in class Configuration

Sets debug flag

Configuration::setDebugFile() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the debug file

Configuration::setTempFolderPath() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the temp folder path

Configuration::setDefaultConfiguration() — Method in class Configuration

Sets the default configuration instance

HeaderSelector::selectHeaders() — Method in class HeaderSelector
HeaderSelector::selectHeadersForMultipart() — Method in class HeaderSelector
ObjectSerializer::setDateTimeFormat() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Change the date format

ObjectSerializer::sanitizeForSerialization() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Serialize data

ObjectSerializer::sanitizeFilename() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Sanitize filename by removing path.

ObjectSerializer::sanitizeTimestamp() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Shorter timestamp microseconds to 6 digits length.

ObjectSerializer::serializeCollection() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Serialize an array to a string.

$ ApiResponse#settersProperty in class ApiResponse

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

ApiResponse::setters() — Method in class ApiResponse

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

ApiResponse::setCode() — Method in class ApiResponse

Sets code

ApiResponse::setType() — Method in class ApiResponse

Sets type

ApiResponse::setMessage() — Method in class ApiResponse

Sets message

$ Category#settersProperty in class Category

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

Category::setters() — Method in class Category

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

Category::setId() — Method in class Category

Sets id

Category::setName() — Method in class Category

Sets name

ModelInterface::setters() — Method in class ModelInterface

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

$ Order#settersProperty in class Order

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

Order::setters() — Method in class Order

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

Order::setId() — Method in class Order

Sets id

Order::setPetId() — Method in class Order

Sets pet_id

Order::setQuantity() — Method in class Order

Sets quantity

Order::setShipDate() — Method in class Order

Sets ship_date

Order::setStatus() — Method in class Order

Sets status

Order::setComplete() — Method in class Order

Sets complete

$ Pet#settersProperty in class Pet

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

Pet::setters() — Method in class Pet

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

Pet::setId() — Method in class Pet

Sets id

Pet::setCategory() — Method in class Pet

Sets category

Pet::setName() — Method in class Pet

Sets name

Pet::setPhotoUrls() — Method in class Pet

Sets photo_urls

Pet::setTags() — Method in class Pet

Sets tags

Pet::setStatus() — Method in class Pet

Sets status

$ Tag#settersProperty in class Tag

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

Tag::setters() — Method in class Tag

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

Tag::setId() — Method in class Tag

Sets id

Tag::setName() — Method in class Tag

Sets name

$ User#settersProperty in class User

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

User::setters() — Method in class User

Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

User::setId() — Method in class User

Sets id

User::setUsername() — Method in class User

Sets username

User::setFirstName() — Method in class User

Sets first_name

User::setLastName() — Method in class User

Sets last_name

User::setEmail() — Method in class User

Sets email

User::setPassword() — Method in class User

Sets password

User::setPhone() — Method in class User

Sets phone

User::setUserStatus() — Method in class User

Sets user_status


$ Configuration#tempFolderPathProperty in class Configuration

Debug file location (log to STDOUT by default)

Configuration::toDebugReport() — Method in class Configuration

Gets the essential information for debugging

ObjectSerializer::toPathValue() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in the path, by url-encoding.

ObjectSerializer::toQueryValue() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Take query parameter properties and turn it into an array suitable for native http_build_query or GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Query::build.

ObjectSerializer::toHeaderValue() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in the header. If it's a string, pass through unchanged If it's a datetime object, format it in ISO8601

ObjectSerializer::toFormValue() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in the http body (form parameter). If it's a string, pass through unchanged If it's a datetime object, format it in ISO8601

ObjectSerializer::toString() — Method in class ObjectSerializer

Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in the parameter. If it's a string, pass through unchanged If it's a datetime object, format it in ISO8601 If it's a boolean, convert it to "true" or "false".

ApiResponse::toHeaderValue() — Method in class ApiResponse

Gets a header-safe presentation of the object

Category::toHeaderValue() — Method in class Category

Gets a header-safe presentation of the object

Order::toHeaderValue() — Method in class Order

Gets a header-safe presentation of the object

Pet::toHeaderValue() — Method in class Pet

Gets a header-safe presentation of the object

TagClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Schema

Tag Class Doc Comment

Tag::toHeaderValue() — Method in class Tag

Gets a header-safe presentation of the object

User::toHeaderValue() — Method in class User

Gets a header-safe presentation of the object


PetApi::updatePet() — Method in class PetApi

Operation updatePet

PetApi::updatePetWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation updatePetWithHttpInfo

PetApi::updatePetAsync() — Method in class PetApi

Operation updatePetAsync

PetApi::updatePetAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation updatePetAsyncWithHttpInfo

PetApi::updatePetRequest() — Method in class PetApi

Create request for operation 'updatePet'

PetApi::updatePetWithForm() — Method in class PetApi

Operation updatePetWithForm

PetApi::updatePetWithFormWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation updatePetWithFormWithHttpInfo

PetApi::updatePetWithFormAsync() — Method in class PetApi

Operation updatePetWithFormAsync

PetApi::updatePetWithFormAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation updatePetWithFormAsyncWithHttpInfo

PetApi::updatePetWithFormRequest() — Method in class PetApi

Create request for operation 'updatePetWithForm'

PetApi::uploadFile() — Method in class PetApi

Operation uploadFile

PetApi::uploadFileWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation uploadFileWithHttpInfo

PetApi::uploadFileAsync() — Method in class PetApi

Operation uploadFileAsync

PetApi::uploadFileAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class PetApi

Operation uploadFileAsyncWithHttpInfo

PetApi::uploadFileRequest() — Method in class PetApi

Create request for operation 'uploadFile'

UserApiClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Api

UserApi Class Doc Comment

UserApi::updateUser() — Method in class UserApi

Operation updateUser

UserApi::updateUserWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation updateUserWithHttpInfo

UserApi::updateUserAsync() — Method in class UserApi

Operation updateUserAsync

UserApi::updateUserAsyncWithHttpInfo() — Method in class UserApi

Operation updateUserAsyncWithHttpInfo

UserApi::updateUserRequest() — Method in class UserApi

Create request for operation 'updateUser'

$ Configuration#usernameProperty in class Configuration

Username for HTTP basic authentication

$ Configuration#userAgentProperty in class Configuration

User agent of the HTTP request, set to "OpenAPI-Generator/{version}/PHP" by default

UserClass in namespace Ally\PetStore\Schema

User Class Doc Comment


ApiResponse::valid() — Method in class ApiResponse

Validate all the properties in the model return true if all passed

Category::valid() — Method in class Category

Validate all the properties in the model return true if all passed

ModelInterface::valid() — Method in class ModelInterface

Validate all the properties in the model return true if all passed

Order::valid() — Method in class Order

Validate all the properties in the model return true if all passed

Pet::valid() — Method in class Pet

Validate all the properties in the model return true if all passed

Tag::valid() — Method in class Tag

Validate all the properties in the model return true if all passed

User::valid() — Method in class User

Validate all the properties in the model return true if all passed


ApiException::__construct() — Method in class ApiException
PetApi::__construct() — Method in class PetApi
StoreApi::__construct() — Method in class StoreApi
UserApi::__construct() — Method in class UserApi
Configuration::__construct() — Method in class Configuration
ApiResponse::__construct() — Method in class ApiResponse
ApiResponse::__toString() — Method in class ApiResponse

Gets the string presentation of the object

Category::__construct() — Method in class Category
Category::__toString() — Method in class Category

Gets the string presentation of the object

Order::__construct() — Method in class Order
Order::__toString() — Method in class Order

Gets the string presentation of the object

Pet::__construct() — Method in class Pet
Pet::__toString() — Method in class Pet

Gets the string presentation of the object

Tag::__construct() — Method in class Tag
Tag::__toString() — Method in class Tag

Gets the string presentation of the object

User::__construct() — Method in class User
User::__toString() — Method in class User

Gets the string presentation of the object